The William H. and Helen Miller House in Farmington, Davis County, Utah, was originally constructed ca. 1868 and is significant at the local level under Criterion C. It is significant in the area of Architecture as a strong and rare extant representation of settlement era housing during the period in which the community of Farmington was settled and during which locally procured, indigenous construction materials were the only materials available. The dwelling is only one of seven known settlement era dwellings left in Farmington that retain sufficient integrity to reflect the construction materials and architectural type and styling of this era in Farmington’s history. William H. Miller, who owned the property during the Settlement Era, was among the earliest settlers in the community. The Miller House meets the requirements for and is being nominated under the Settlement Era Buildings of Farmington, 1847 to 1896 MPS. The period of significance is limited to ca. 1868, which reflects the construction date of the original wing of the dwelling.