Who We Are
We provide technical support for archaeological and historic preservation projects and advise and assist agencies with their undertakings, But that isn't all.
What is a State Historic Preservation Office?
Fifty-nine State Historic Preservation Offices across the United States and it's territories are responsible for advising and assisting agencies and the public in historic preservation. These SHPOs are tasked with surveying, evaluating, and nominating significant historic buildings, sites, structures, districts, and objects to the National Register of Historic Places, but the job doesn't stop there.
In Utah, the SHPO also:
- Maintains a database of archaeological sites, historic buildings, and other historic properties
- Awards grants to qualifying projects through Certified Local Governments
- Manages tax credit programs to rehabilitate historic buildings
- Advises and assists federal and state agencies on select undertakings
- Manages the Utah Main Street Program
- Facilitates public understanding of archaeological sites
- Manages the Utah Cultural Site Stewardship Program
- Manages the Human Remains Program for the state
- Collects and maintains burial information
Our Programs
Laws and Legal Authority
Utah's Statewide Preservation Plan
Meeting both federal statute and addressing needs in Utah's communities, the Utah State Historic Preservation Office initiated a statewide effort to plan the next eight years of historic preservation efforts in Utah.