We’re excited to announce that Lexi (she/her) is joining the SHPO team as the new Data and Events Specialist for the Utah Cultural Site Stewardship (UCSS) Program. Lexi was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, which got her exploring the mountain trails and wide open deserts at an early age. She comes to us with strong outdoor recreation skills and a passion for public lands. She also has professional experience in outdoor recreation education, public outreach, event and volunteer coordination, and working hands-on with the public.

Lexi attended the University of Utah and received her bachelor’s degree in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, with an emphasis in outdoor recreation programming and natural resource management in May 2021.
After graduation, Lexi became a Youth Education Specialist for the Division of Outdoor Recreation’s Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Program. Housed within the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Lexi began her career as a state of Utah employee, focused on protecting natural and cultural resources but also finding sustainable ways to allow for recreation access.

Lexi spent her time with the OHV Program assisting with volunteer projects, performing trail maintenance, attending and coordinating OHV safety events, conducting youth ATV education courses, and finding creative ways to communicate OHV safety tips and ethical recreation practices.
Lexi is excited to start her new journey with the UCSS Program and her amazing team members. She is passionate about promoting responsible outdoor recreation practices and protecting the resources that make Utah such a great place to live.
When she’s not out on the trails for work, you can find her running up her favorite mountains along the Wasatch with her fiancé, Davis, and her two pups Merry and Pippin. Lexi also loves burritos, will run 26 miles for fun, and she spends her down time drawing and painting.

We are so glad to welcome her to the UCSS team! Whether you are a steward or not, feel free to reach out to Lexi at any time and you can always drop us a line on social media.