Community preservation and revitalization

The Certified Local Government (CLG) program is designed to promote historic preservation at the local level. This is a federal program through the National Park Service and administered by the Utah State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Qualified local governments become "certified" and are eligible to receive matching grants from the SHPO.

Contact: Alena Franco, CLG Coordinator, [email protected], for more information.

What is a CLG?

A Certified Local Government (CLG) is a local government (city or county) that has been ‘certified’ by the National Park Service and is eligible to apply for federal grants for historic preservation.

CLGs enjoy a partnership with the state and federal agencies that have the primary responsibility for promoting historic preservation in the U.S. As such, CLGs are able to tap into the expertise and resources of these agencies in order to help address their local preservation issues.

View our Utah CLG Handbook for more information. 

Become a CLG

Local governments must meet certain qualifications to become "certified". . These include passing a historic preservation ordinance and appointing a Historic Preservation Commission.

  • Example of a  Historic Preservation Ordinance
  • Appoint a historic preservation commission of at least 5 members. Try to fill at least two of the positions with “professionals”—that is, people who have a college degree or professional training as an historian, architect, architectural historian, or archaeologist. If there are no professionals in your community who are able to serve on the commission, then this requirement can be waived.

Other financial incentives for local communities

There are other financial resources available for communities.  Click links below for more information: 
Historic Tax Credit Program
Utah Main Street Program


Only Certified Local Governments can receive grants.  Utah has 100 CLGs and  funding is available every January for eligible grant projects. 

  • Require a 50/50 match of local funds or in kind.
  • Limited to a maximum of $10,000.
  • Applications are due by the second Friday in February each year.
  • Grant cycle runs from April 1 to August 31 of the following year.
  • A CLG may only have one active grant at a time.
  • Preservation Agreements are required and signed by the property owner for Development Projects.
  • A list of Eligible Grant Projects

NEPA Public Notice