Protect the Past

Utah's archaeological sites are fragile and recent years have seen an increase in damage caused by vandalism and visitation. Help us  Protect the Past by following the tips on this page and signing up for our six-week newsletter.

Tips for Visiting Archaeological Sites

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Leave All Artifacts

Moving or taking artifacts, even just one, can destroy the ability for archaeologists to learn from a site. Descendant groups often prefer for artifacts to remain in place.

Don't Touch Rock Imagery or Make Your Own

Touching rock imagery can leave oils from your hands on the rock that increase erosion and cause damage.

Guide Children Through Sites

Teach children to stay on trails and respect archaeological sites. 

View Sites From a Distance

If a site is not accessible you may be injured trying to reach it, or you could cause damage to other sites and ecosystems along the way.

Stay on Designated Roads

Driving or biking off-road can damage fragile archaeological sites.

Historic Artifacts Aren't Trash

Trash from more than 50 years ago is considered archaeology, and archaeologists can learn about past people from it.

Leash All Animals

Dogs and other animals can unknowingly cause damage to archaeological sites. Please leash them or leave them at home.

Avoid Building Cairns

Land managers have created trail markers and signs, making additional cairns unnecessary. People have unintentionally built cairns with artifacts and shrine stones in some places.

Gov Cox Asks Utahs to Protect the Past

In 2022 Utah's Governor Spencer Cox recognized the importance of protecting archaeological sites. In this short video he explains why it is the responsibility of Utahns and visitors to take care of these special places and encourages all of us to Pledge to Protect the Past.

Take the Pledge