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Build-An-Event Workshop

February 18 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

The Build an Event Workshop is an annual tradition for organizers to help each other brainstorm, hone, and promote their archaeology and historic preservation related events. Last year in Utah we had over 50 events throughout the month and with your help that number will keep growing! Great public events can attract people to your museum or library, encourage donations to your organization, and of course increase awareness and appreciation for Utah’s amazing history.


Veteran event organizer Elizabeth Hora has calendars and checklists that will help you through all stages of event planning, execution and follow-up. Come prepared with event ideas at any stage and we will workshop them together to super charge your event planning.


Please register for this event and let us know you’re coming! It will be on Zoom so friends from around the state can join in: https://utah-gov.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpce-trjgoHdDf2OmEFDAJ2Havlk5jVcln

