STEM Day on the Hill celebrates STEM in Utah and welcomes parents, students, educators, industry professionals, and legislators to the Utah State Capitol to engage in hands-on activities focused on STEM education and impact. We want to show how WE are ALL STEM!
The Utah SHPO is joining the event with our table activity “The Science of Ancient Art.” Adapted from our K-12 lesson plan of the same name, The Science of Ancient Art asks kids how they think ancient people discovered how to make paints from natural materials. This lesson is hands on! Kids work with real ochre and other naturally derived ingredients to blend and test their own paint creations and along the way learn about geology, chemistry, and gain an appreciation for the ingenuity of ancient people. Plus, kids get to take home a rock decorated with the paint they create!
STEM on the Hill is free and open to the public, we hope to see you there!